Celebrating Israel's 70th
Museum Tour

 To consider the place of Israel in the context of the broader story of the Jewish people.
 To introduce the 6 Jewish Peoplehood concepts, emphasizing Israel
 To explore multi-faceted connections of the Jewish People to Israel (eretz-land, moledet-homeland, medina-state)
Suggested Points for Discussion
o Immigration stories, decisions and personal ties to Israel
o Family visits, events and experiences in Israel. What was it like visiting Israel for the first time?
o Support for Israel and involvement in various causes throughout the years
o Memories from significant events in Israel's history
o Yearning for Zion, prayer towards Jerusalem, expressions in Jewish practice
o Israel's role and meaning today
Tour Synopsis:
Delve into the meaning of “yearning for Zion” throughout the ages and the significance of Israel in the hearts of diverse Jewish communities around the world. Participants engage in the story of the Jewish people, featuring views of Israel in Jewish life, ritual and experience.
The following elements of the exhibitions can be used in the "Celebrating Israel's 70th" tour, which revolves entirely around the theme of Israel's 70th, or on regular tours in which we wish to discuss or highlight ‘Israel at 70.’
The Wedding Display An excellent opening for a complete tour on the theme of 'Israel at 70':  "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem" and the tradition of breaking the glass. We are obligated never to forget the Holy City and it stays with us wherever we are in the world. Here we see Jewish communities from a variety of backgrounds, and yet at each and every wedding these traditions are a key component.
Chodorov  The synagogues face east, towards Jerusalem  The artist, Yisrael Lisnitzky, portrayed Jerusalem as he envisioned it, since had never visited the city.
Capturing History: Chim
Suggested Activity: Find a photograph that defines Israel for you/ that symbolizes your connection to Israel.