Target Audience: Young Jewish Adults

Length of Tour: 60 minutes

Floors: 2nd floor, 1st floor, Choderov, Halleluja

Goals of Tour:

  • Show depth and continuity of Jewish life and culture in Europe over a millennia
  • Show diversity of Jewish experience in Europe, between trying to integrate and retaining Jewish texts and customs
  • Show anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic actions in Europe prior to WWII
  • Show interwar years in Europe, similarities of the lives of Jews then to ours now
  • Focus on stories of individuals and communities
  • Honor those murdered by telling the stories of their lives

Tour Outline:

  1. Intro to ANU; explanation of Yom HaShoah. Emphasis on remembering, stories, honoring individuals and communities, focusing on preserving their stories rather than only focusing on destruction. We cannot begin to understand what was lost until we understand what was.
    1. Marian Turski (Polish Holocaust survivor): “Auschwitz did not suddenly fall from the sky.”
  2. Chodorov/Ken Goldman stones/Halleluja (Warsaw, Berlin or Prague). Either start or end here.
  3. Second floor: Masa video
  4. Ashkenaz/Sepharad:
    1. Goal: show establishment of European Jewish communities, show how they existed but were separate in language and dress from non-Jewish neighbors. Show complicated relationship.
    1. Jewish communal life
    1. Pick one: Erfurt ring, Talmud burning in Paris
  5. Poland/Lithuania/Ottoman Empire:
    1. Goal: continue to enhance the idea of a complication relationship with non-Jewish neighbors. Show diversity of growing Jewish world.
    1. Video of Lublin/Saloniki
    1. Keritot tractate from Venice
  6. Modernity:
    1. Goal: Show increasing Jewish integration into European life, but simultaneous anti-Semitism and separation. This section approaches the world affected by the Holocaust.
    1. Jews in the army (Dreyfus Affair, Yom Kippur scarf, diary, Yiddish army recruitment poster)
    1. Pre-WWII shtetl cheder photos
  7. Jewish question
  1. Goal: Briefly introduce the complicated question Jews had to answer: where do we go?
  2. ‘Years of Hope’ video
    1. Goal: Emotional point. Showing the best glimpse we have at the world survivors came from. Connect with their own lives.
    1. Photos on the wall: Korczak, youth movements
  3. Holocaust room
    1. Goal: silent reflection.
  4. Post-WWII:
    1. Goal: Establish the sense of confusion and disarray that was post-WWII world.
    1. Radio, migrations, establishment of State of Israel
  5. Chodorov/Ken Goldman stones/Halleluja (Warsaw, Berlin or Prague). Chose one that you didn’t start with to finish.