Tour for International Groups

Time: 90 minutes


  • Engage visitors in a personal dialogue about their own Jewish identity
  • Emphasize diversity of historic, and modern day, Jewish populations
  • Walk through milestones of Jewish history and connect to their Jewish story
  • Connect with foundations of Jewish spirituality and practice

Introduction: ANU Museum, renovation, Jewish peoplehood, “You are part of the story”

Third Floor: Modern mosaic of Jewish life today and past 150 years. Give orientation of floor.

  • Being Jewish Today
    • Question: Spend a few minutes with the individuals and families. Find someone that shares your Jewish story.
  • Judaism by the numbers + Streams of Judaism
  • Theater, Dance, Film, Music
    • Ask group to pick one to discuss with you.
    • Question: What is Jewish theater/dance/film/music to you?
    • Give group 5 minutes to explore this section of 3rd floor. Meet near Jewish food interactive.
  • Jewish food interactive
    • Question: Is there a special food that you eat with family/friends on holidays or special occasions? Encourage discussion on Jewish food.
    • Give group 5 minutes to explore sections on Jewish food, art, literature, languages. Meet near Women Trailblazers section.
  • Women Trailblazers
  • Luminaries
    • Question: What quality makes someone a luminary? Who is a hero of yours?
    • Explain section. Give group 5 minutes to explore/watch Shaanan Street video.

Second Floor: After seeing where we are today, we ask: How did we get here? Going on the Jewish Journey together.

Question: Where is your family from (before they arrived in the USA/Canada/South Africa/etc.)? Maybe we’ll visit some of these places on the tour here today. If they don’t know, ask for clues: What is your last name? What kind of foods do you eat on holidays? As a guide, you can help them estimate a region their families are from using these clues.

Must see on second floor:

  • Video: The Masa
  • Wall of Communities portraits
    • Allow group 1-2 minutes to look at portraits
    • Question: Who here surprised you?
  • Transparent dresses
    • Question: What group(s) have remained transparent throughout history? What can we do to ensure history is inclusive of all?
  • Antiquity: Alexandria, Babylon, Land of Israel
    • Development of Jewish diaspora
  • Ashkenaz and Sepharad
    • Simultaneous flourishing of Jewish communal life and thought, and persecutions, blood libel, and ostracization of Jews in Middle Ages
    • Allow time to explore section
  • Modernity
    • Question: Which family photo would you be in if this was 150 years ago? Go stand by it.
    • Give group 5 minutes to explore 4 sections of this area
  • Between World Wars
    • Cannot begin to understand what was lost during the Holocaust until we begin to understand what was: diverse Jewish life that in many ways was similar to our Jewish lives today
  • Israel by the Numbers


  • Poland, Lithuania, Ottoman Empire
  • Faith, Thought, Creativity
  • Holocaust
  • Post-WWII

First Floor: Core foundations of Jewish faith and practice.

  • Shabbat and Jewish lifecycle: birth, BMitzvah, wedding, death
  • Halleluja! Synagogues Past and Present
    • Show 2 synagogues. Suggestion: Warsaw and Cochin/Curacao
    • Unetane Tokef or Kabbalat Shabbat video

***Possible to begin tour in Halleluja, and continue then to 2nd and 3rd floors