You Are Part of the Story

Facilitated Discussion for JWRP Groups

.Welcome to ANU – Museum of the Jewish People

  • My name is… I… (one personal sentence)
  • We are museum that tells a story – the story of the Jewish people
  • We examine how personal stories make up the bigger picture of the story of the Jewish People

World Map Activity

Who here was born in a country different to the one they live in now? What countries?

Whose parents were born in a country different to the one you live in now? What countries?

Grandparents? What countries?

We can envision the world map, and see how many places our families have been through, linking our stories together

Film: You Are Part of the Story

?What touched you in this video

?Were there parts of the video that you felt reflected your story? Your family's story

.The film finished with Star of David – different shapes, colors, sizes, but all connected

.Worksheet: page with star of David with 3 sections

Section 1: Write a special influence (or memory, value) from grandmother/older family member

Section 2: Write how you envision your part of the Jewish Story

Section 3: Write freely what you would like your children's part in the story to be, and thoughts on how you can facilitate such a story.

(personal thoughts, without sharing.)

.Please keep this page part of your trip notebook to reflect upon in the future 

:Groups Discussion

.Discussed past and present, now look towards the future  

One of JWRP's goals is facilitating ways that you can make a difference in your community. The film we watched is on the internet (show in youtube) and is a strong resource for showing Jewish stories linked around the world and discussing unity without uniformity.

.Break according to city groups and led by city leaders. Please have one person take notes

?What type of event could you organize showing this film? Where? When? Who to include? Invite

Wrap Up

Introduce My Family Story BH-JWRP partnership

"We are a people of many strands who make up one unique ongoing story, and that's why we need to keep writing it"